M’Walimu Locy Lumumba

My life is consumed with the liberation struggle of Black people.

Nothing is of greater concern to me than to use whatever gifts and talents I have for the upliftment of my people. My primary focus is on the youth. For me, it's better to raise a child than change an adult. PanAfrikan Nationalism guides my thought process and actions for liberation. I am in my 53th year of organizing, building, and teaching for AFRIKAN liberation. One of my talents is teaching martial arts. I find it to be ideal for exposing Black youth to their identity and history from the Black perspective. Each summer I conduct a progressive summer camp titled, "Njia Ya Tayari Anti-Bullying Cultural Enrichment Summer Camp". My latest endeavor involves institution building through plans to purchase real estate to house my organization and year-round martial art program, as well as other progressive activities. I believe that PanAfrikan Nationalism is the key to Afrikan liberation.